Cattleya Workshops & Events

Let's come together in ceremony, honor the spirit of cacao, and awaken the magic within. Whether you're seeking clarity, healing, or simply a deeper connection to yourself and others, the cacao ceremony offers a powerful opportunity to set intentions, release what no longer serves you, and invite in the magic of the present moment.

Cacao Ceremony

Date and time

May 24, 2024

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM EST


Cattleya Yoga Studio

301 1/2 Bank Street, unit 2, Ottawa, ON K2P 1X7


About this Event:

Grounding meditation, and setting intentions then move into a meditation to connect to the energy of the lion's gate portal.

What is ceremonial cacao?

Ceremonial cacao is a sacred drink, different from a regular cacao drink. The ceremonial cacao you will be served is intentionally and ethically grown, organic, and cold pressed. Cold pressing the cacao preserves its many nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins like B vitamins, A, C, D, E, magnesium, iron, calcium, and zinc.

There are many benefits to drinking cacao in a ceremony. Inlcuding, but not limited to:

  • Connecting with your heart energy, and helping to clear energetic blocks or stuck emotions.

  • Deepening meditations and inner work.

  • Enhancing creativity

  • Helping to connect you to your intuition, to your inner wisdom.

  • Reawakening your connection to nature.

    What to expect during a cacao ceremony?

  • Grounding & relaxing meditation

  • Cacao ceremony & drinking ceremonial grade cacao from an organic cacao farm in Peru

About Israa:

Israa is a holistic nutritionist in training and a meditation teacher. Her hope is to bring people back to themselves to find healing in their own knowledge and truth. She will be the guide for the cacao ceremony.

What You’ll Need:

  • Favorite mug

  • Journal & pen

  • Cushion (optional)

  • Light snack (optional)

Harmonic Resonace

A Sound Bath Group Session for Deep Relaxation and Rejuvenation.

Date and time

Monday, May 27, 2024

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM EST


Cattleya Yoga Studio

301 1/2 Bank Street, unit 2, Ottawa, ON K2P 1X7


About this Workshop

Experience deep relaxation and rejuvenation with our Sound Healing Bath. The workshop will start with a gentle breathing exercise to help you connect with your breath and become more present in the moment. Then, using a variety of resonant instruments, including crystal bowls, gongs, tongue drums, water sounding instruments, drums and chimes, will be used to create a harmonious and soothing environment.

For an hour and a half you will be immersed in a sea of soothing vibrations and calming sounds, promoting deep relaxation allowing you to let go of stress and tension and enter a state of deep relaxation, reducing stress, leaving you feeling more centered, grounded and refreshed.

Whether you’re looking to reduce stress, improve sleep, or simply take some time for yourself, our Sound Healing Bath is a perfect way to unwind and recharge.

About Venus

Born with a naturally busy mind, Venus was always on the go, constantly in motion and unable to slow down. The mere thought of trying yoga and sitting still was daunting, as she believed high-intensity exercises were the only ways to release built up energy. Initially hesitant to trying yoga due to her busy mind and fast-paced lifestyle, Venus soon found that yoga brought a sense of calmness, improved sleep and helped her build stronger relationships with others and herself.

Always eager to explore new ways of relaxation, she discovered sound healing and completed a course in the practice. Now, she incorporates gongs, crystal bowls, and other percussive instruments into her yoga practice, offering a unique approach to relaxation and a deeply restorative experience.

Having practiced yoga for over ten years, Venus continues to share her love of yoga and sound healing with others to guide them towards a greater sense of calmness and inner peace. Her journey proves that even the busy minds can find solace and stillness through the practice of yoga and other healing modalities.

What You’ll Need:

  • Yoga mat

  • Blanket

  • Pillow

  • Comfortable clothing

Introduction to Ayurveda

The art of self-healing and living in harmony with Nature’s rhythms and cycles .

Come join Sophia to explore the ancient healing science of Ayurveda and learn how to restore balance and harmony in your mind, body, senses and emotions. Ayurveda is the sister practice to Yoga. It is known as “The Science of Life”. In this 2.5hrs workshop, Sophia will share wisdom teachings on how to keep the body and mind healthy through diet, herbal and lifestyle balancing remedies which are most valuable in preventing dis-ease and preserving our health and vitality.  

Date and time

Sunday June 2, 2024

12:00 PM - 2:30 PM EST


Cattleya Yoga Studio

301 1/2 Bank Street, unit 2, Ottawa, ON K2P 1X7


  After this workshop you’ll understand:

  • The characteristics of each Ayurvedic Dosha and how they manifest in the body & mind

  • What your Dosha is and how it affects your mind, body, emotions and senses 

  • How to determine if and when your Dosha is out of balance

  • Simple self-care practices to restore balance for the Dosha and season.

A follow up email will provide you with extra resources and integration practices that you can start implementing in your daily life:

  • Food guidelines for each Dosha

  • Morning routine recommendations

  • Evening routine recommendations

  • Abhyanga instructions

  • Selected healing elixirs & food recipes

About Sophia

Sophia Wood Massicotte is a certified Life Coach, 500hr Yoga Teacher and Ayurveda Practitioner. She has been guiding yoga classes and facilitating wellness workshops for over 3 years. Her passion for holistic wellness stems from a fascination for the power of the mind, wisdom of Nature and intelligence of the body. Stemming from her own healing journey, she has decided to devote her life's purpose to empower and inspire women to reclaim their Truth & Power in order to create a life that feels authentic and fulfilling. Inspired by nature and empowered by the heart, Sophia is known for skillfully guiding practitioners into deeper levels of consciousness to bring about profound healing on a mind, body and soul level. Inviting practitioners to honor their body's needs, she offers instruction, modifications and hands-on assistance to encourage self-exploration on the mat. During her classes, Sophia uses a variety of tools such as mudras, mantras, self-inquiry, contemplate, mindful movement, breathing practices and meditation to cultivate a deeper sense of presence, awareness and connection.

Flow n’ Be!

Experience 75 minutes of slow flow yoga at Cattleya Yoga Studio, accompanied by soulful R&B music for deep relaxation and inner peace. Receive personalized guidance from the Sexual Magic Oracle Deck and take home a crystal aligned with your energy, serving as a tangible reminder of tranquility.

Date and time

Sunday June 2, 2024

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM EST


Cattleya Yoga Studio

301 1/2 Bank Street, unit 2, Ottawa, ON K2P 1X7


 Indulge in 75 minutes of blissful slow flow yoga, set to the soulful rhythm of R&B music, at Cattleya Yoga Studio. Let the gentle flow of movement and soothing melodies guide you to a state of deep relaxation and inner peace.

After the class, experience an extra touch of magic as you receive a personalized message from the Sexual Magic Oracle Deck. Allow the cards to offer guidance and insight into matters of the heart and spirit, providing clarity and inspiration for your journey ahead.

As a token of your tranquil experience, take home a crystal specially selected to align with your unique energy. Let this crystal serve as a tangible reminder of the peace and tranquility you've cultivated on the mat, infusing your space with positive vibrations and harmony.

Join us for an unforgettable experience of yoga, music, oracle guidance, and crystal energy at Cattleya Yoga Studio, where every moment is an opportunity for soulful connection and inner exploration.

About Fatima:

Fátima Alvarenga's passion for yoga started as a teenager when her mom started taking her to classes at a local gym. She appreciated the practice for its’ role in her and her mom's relationship; and also for the connection it formed between her mind and her body.

Exploring the spirituality and philosophy of yoga has been an enlightening journey for Fátima, especially in understanding its connection to higher consciousness and the divine. This deeper exploration inspired her decision to become a yoga teacher. Fátima hopes to share the love and knowledge cultivated through yoga with the world, using the practice as a vessel for personal and collective well-being.

With over 400 hours of training, Fátima specializes in vinyasa flow, meditation, and pranayama. Her style is powerful, energizing, spiritual, and strong. Additionally, Fátima is dedicated to continuous learning and growth. Currently, she is pursuing additional training in cannabis-enhanced yoga, further expanding her expertise and holistic approach to well-being.

KAP-Kundalini Activation & Non-Dual Transmissions

In the sacred path of awakening, two profound forces play a pivotal role in the elevation of human consciousness - Kundalini and Non-Dual Consciousness. When these powerful energies converge within your spiritual practice, you embark on a transformative journey that catalyzes profound change, guiding you toward a state of complete wholeness and inner peace.

Date and time

Sunday June 2, 2024

12:00 PM - 2:30 PM EST


Cattleya Yoga Studio

301 1/2 Bank Street, unit 2, Ottawa, ON K2P 1X7


In "The Sacred Path of Awakening," two powerful spiritual forces—Kundalini and Non-Dual Consciousness—are highlighted as pivotal in elevating human consciousness. Kundalini is described as a dormant energy at the base of the spine that, when awakened, travels through the chakras, promoting spiritual, physical, and emotional healing. This activation unleashes creativity and fosters a deep connection with the divine.

Non-Dual Consciousness, meanwhile, represents a state of awareness where the self and the universe are unified, transcending life's dualities and revealing the oneness of existence. This state dissolves the illusion of separateness, allowing one to experience pure being.

Combining these two forces in spiritual practice accelerates spiritual evolution by awakening Kundalini and promoting non-dual awareness. This dual transmission leads to profound transformations, deep healing, and the dismantling of barriers to ultimate reality, guiding one towards enlightenment and inner peace.

The journey involves readiness, reverence, and surrender to universal energy, ultimately leading to self-realization, boundless love, and infinite possibilities. The upcoming Kundalini Activation Process session offers an immersive experience to undergo this profound transformation, marking a significant step in one's spiritual awakening.

About Tracey

Tracey is a skilled guide in the world of energy and healing. She's a certified Level 2 Kundalini Activation Process (KAP) facilitator, having trained with the energy master Venant Wong at KAP Academy. Plus, she's a Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki practitioner, with training from William Lee Rand in Hana, Hawaii. Tracey's own deep spiritual experience led her on a path of healing, and now she dedicates her life to helping others. Through Sound Journeys, Light Language, and energy healing, she assists people in exploring their inner world. Tracey's mission is to help you find and express your true self, unlocking your highest potential. Join her in raising our vibrations and contributing to our planet's healing energy. Together, we can make a difference.